
Quran Karriem is an experimental musician, media artist and theorist working primarily with electronic and algorithmic media. His work examines the power relations and ideologies that inhere in the design of systems, processes and interfaces from material, energetic and temporal perspectives, and is motivated by a concern with the operative nature of the racial and the political in postmodern sociotechnical assemblages. A multiple award-winning software designer and former product executive, Quran has led development teams for a number of media and technology companies and applies a decade of direct experience with systems design, data management and organizational structure in the context of ‘start-up culture’ to social critique. His product initiatives have been recognized by such global research and trade bodies as Gartner Research, the Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association (GSMA), the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) and Frost & Sullivan.
Quran holds a Ph.D in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures from Duke University, a Master of Fine Arts from the Savannah College of Art & Design and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Georgia. He was formerly a lecturer in the Audio Technology program at American University and is currently a postdoctoral associate at the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University.


“For me, the crowning achievement of this production is the sound design by Quran Karriem. The sound design makes the lack of scenery irrelevant. The location and the tone are conveyed perfectly through sound.”
Larissa Mount – Broadway World

“…just one element in a rich sound design by Quran Karriem…”
Kate Dobbs Ariail – Classical Voice of North Carolina

“…Quran Karriem’s remarkably textured sound design…”
“We want to hear more from … Karriem, who engineered striking soundscapes.”
Byron Woods – Independent Weekly